Be Presumptuous

As a child, I was taught to be seen and not heard. Does that ring a bell for anyone else? Luckily, I have successfully shattered that attitude, like a hollow autumn gourd, falling from a high shelf, and cracking on a brick floor.

We creative individuals need to be seen and heard! Consider being bold today. Think about a situation in your life that you assumed was complete, but that you really want to offer more. Take a stand, present your case in a user-friendly way. Share your option with an open hand, and let the other person know that they can take, or leave, your suggestion with no hard feelings.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Be presumptuous, take a chance. You never know where it might lead.


On this first day of autumn, as leaves begin to turn from green to burgundy, I have the opportunity to revise an essay I wrote. The Spirit of a Woman is an upcoming anthology (to be published June 2010) and my writing is close to being approved for inclusion! I am one of the lucky women from many nations, ages and personal histories, to make it this far.

Years ago, when I was a working and exhibiting fine artist, I loved doing everything myself. It was my way or the highway. Now as a working writer, I welcome a team approach. Editors really are there to help writers. What a priviledge to be working with a team of editors, all of whom are dedicated to the success of the same project, and are helping me make my words the best that they can be.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Consider teamwork. Just like trees need the union of sunshine, nutrients and water, to transform their colors, humans need the same. Being part of a team can bring unexpected new hues to your creative efforts.


Greetings again, I hope you all had a good summer. Mine was full of work and play, coupled with casual sunsets on the beach with friends. As you know, I took some things off my plate, like posting entries to my Creativity and Wellness Blog. Crafting so(u)l space helped me come back energized.

On my early morning walk today, I remembered a favorite potter of mine, Diane Heart. I’ve been buying her pottery for many years. She has a wonderful studio on Cape Cod. Even though I didn’t make it to the Cape this summer, I think of her fondly, every time I use one of her finely-crafted and artistic bowl, mug, or vase. Many years ago when I was still in my corporate, highly structured professional life, I visited Diane’s studio. Inhaling the scent of beach rose, sea grass and salt water, I read her tiny, ceramic front door sign: Open 10ish – 5ish. Before I set one sandy foot in her shop, I was delighted, mesmerized and envious! Her simple sign showed me that it was possible to have flexibility and still be a professional.

Twenty-five years later, her vision continues to inspire me. After sitting at my desk this morning, and opening the computer, the first thing I did was Google “Diane Heart Pottery.” Sure enough, there she was, and sure enough . . . her hours are the same.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Try flexibility on for size, it might be just the inspiration you need.

P.S. I’ll be writing and posting this blog: Once-a-week-ish.

So(u)l Space

In a world of over-achievers I am a flag bearer. Time and time again I am reminded, by a wise voice inside me, to slow down, relax, take it easy. Today I’m in my same boat of feeling overwhelmed. While I love my work and my other responsibilities bring me great joy, I periodically need to take something off my plate for me to re-balance.

After contemplating this for a few weeks, I’ve decided to take a summer break from creating this blog. I’m claiming some So(u)l Space. Thinking of Sol, the ancient sun god, I’m looking forward to some much needed breathing space this summer. I hope you will find ways to enjoy your own times in the sun, and I’ll see you in September!

Creativity and wellness message for today: Sit, close your eyes, exhale and consider what you might take off your list–for today, this week, month, season or year. You can always put it back on later. For now . . . free up some soul space, just for yourself.

Memorial Day

As we go into the Memorial Day weekend, I can’t help but be reminded of our nation’s past. I can’t help but think of my WWII veteran father who later marched on Washington, DC with me, as we both protested the war in Vietnam. Yin/yang, polarity, warrior/peace-lover, we all have aspects of both.

Creativity and wellness message: In honoring the past we weave our future. By respecting the duality in all of us, we can co-create a future that is safe for our children, our children’s children and beyond.

Joy of Being

It’s Friday, and it is cool and misty here on the coast. Wish I could spend more time outside though, but I’m trying to fit 5 days worth of work into one morning. Does this sound like you? It seems like there is so much to do with so little time. Somehow, in the recesses of my unconscious mind, a thought from last month bubbles up. I’m reminded of a program I gave entitled “Creativity & Well-being.” One of the participants was enthralled about what she learned. She exclaimed, “I always thought being creative had to do with being an artist! I never knew it had to do with joy of being.”

Having the opportunity to write you in this blog, gives me the gift of reflection. Even in my busy day I’m taking a moment and remembering that particular workshop and that colorful room filled with feisty, opinionated, single mothers. My shoulders relax, I smile as I reminisce about their happy, glowing faces at the end of the program.

Creativity and wellness message: Be in the moment of your own life. Take a breather and let a pleasant memory surface, let it fill your senses. Creativity=joy of being.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

With many-petaled dogwood  trees blooming pink and white all around me, I took my morning constitutional. I chose a different walking route today, one without sidewalks, but one that would end at a particular beach. As I enjoyed the smells of Spring popping all around me I noticed that the traffic was heavier than I expected on this early morning road. As cars sped by, my reverie was distracted by consistently watching out for my own safety. Realizing that this route wasn’t perfect, I almost turned back several times. Yet, I wanted the prize at the end, I wanted to get to that beach. I persevered, enjoying the sights and sounds whenever the coast was clear, as I ventured forward toward the beach. I was not disappointed. Loons swam silently by. Still as a lake, the water breathed in and out with soft gentle sighs. I exhaled, drinking in Nature’s sweet bounty.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Don’t let imperfection stop you from experiencing your own realm of wellness. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Eggs in Basket

Even though I grew up in New England, my southern (Virginia and Kentucky) parents’ colloquialisms run deep in my veins. The phrase “Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket” is self-explanatory. If you live on a rural farm or in a high-rise Manhattan apartment, you can appreciate the advice about diversification, especially during these challenging economic times.  A few days ago I was driving to my new job and this phrase floated into my awareness, I was grateful for all my eggs not being in one basket. I have created a life of diverse yet complementary professional endeavors. These include writing, art, motivational speaking, consulting and educating as well as working in a library whose mission is to bring literature, music, art and the humanities to the community. I feel like one lucky multi-dimensional camper.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Just like a diamond, let all your faceted sides show. By allowing your own creative diversity to flow through you, many baskets of abundance and sustenance can be carried.  If one drops, and the contents break, you have more, just in a different basket.

Guided Imagery

As many of my readers know I write a new post for this blog once a week. Last night I had the privilege of leading a workshop on “Guided Imagery for Comfort and Inspiration” to a courageous group of women survivors. Everyone had come after a long day of commuting, work and other responsibilities. I first taught the group how to release the tensions from their day. Then I explained that in guided imagery meditation the practitioner is in complete control. She can use all of her senses–touch, smell, taste, sound, intuition as well as the visual sense, in meditation. I shared the most important piece of holistic advice I know, which is to let go of  judgement of self and of others. Most of the rapt audience readily accepted the option of not editing their own imaginations. Others learned at the end of the workshop about this benefit.

Each particpant had an opportunity to experience three unique guided meditations that I had created just for them. As the program drew to a close I asked the group to say one word out-loud that described what they would take away from the workshop. Words like “peace,” “hope,” and “love,” quietly tumbled out of soft mouths. Other words such as “guidance,” “quiet,” “faith,” and “joy” were gently added to the mix. May we all feel at one with these qualities in our lives.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Let your own inner guidance lead you to your individual place of comfort and inspiration.


In our fast-paced society we sometimes lose sight of the true meaning of patience. Have you found yourself irritated and tapping your foot while waiting in line at your local coffee shop? Do you catch yourself looking at your watch as you pay for your morning cup-to-go? Or have you recently snapped at your child because you were focusing on a different, seemingly, more pressing responsibility? We all can use a dose of patience in our lives.

Over the past four years I’ve been planting many professional seeds. I’ve been re-engineering and literally re-inventing myself because I outgrew who I was before. This process of change is intrinsically creative, insightful and energizing. It takes courage and a large dose of chutzpah. What many of us don’t realize and what is lacking in most how-to books is the art of patience. The adage, “Patience is a virtue with many rewards” is true. Sadly, most of us are moving too fast to see it. Today when I considered what to write, the word “Patience” silently bubbled up into my consciousness. I trust these quiet revelations of truth.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Let your mantra for this moment in time be the practice of patience. Allow space for your own process to unfold.