
In our fast-paced society we sometimes lose sight of the true meaning of patience. Have you found yourself irritated and tapping your foot while waiting in line at your local coffee shop? Do you catch yourself looking at your watch as you pay for your morning cup-to-go? Or have you recently snapped at your child because you were focusing on a different, seemingly, more pressing responsibility? We all can use a dose of patience in our lives.

Over the past four years I’ve been planting many professional seeds. I’ve been re-engineering and literally re-inventing myself because I outgrew who I was before. This process of change is intrinsically creative, insightful and energizing. It takes courage and a large dose of chutzpah. What many of us don’t realize and what is lacking in most how-to books is the art of patience. The adage, “Patience is a virtue with many rewards” is true. Sadly, most of us are moving too fast to see it. Today when I considered what to write, the word “Patience” silently bubbled up into my consciousness. I trust these quiet revelations of truth.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Let your mantra for this moment in time be the practice of patience. Allow space for your own process to unfold.

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