Soothing the Raw Edges of a Creative Life

I’m getting ready to lead my writing critique group and should be preparing my writing to share, but instead, I’m writing to you in my first post of 2012. As artists, writers, creative, and divergent thinkers, we can attest to being vulnerable, scared, and paralysed. Life alone can do this to us then we add, of our own volition, the stress of putting our tangible expressions out there, into the world to be viewed and judged.

Yesterday I was reminded, yet again, about the benefits of meditation. Disclaimer–I’ve been meditating for years–but it sure does help when someone else tells me how good it is! I’ve included an essay by Orna Ross here, it is so well written and inspiring too. Jane Friedman posted it on her blog and I learned of it through Facebook, ahhhhh the joys of sharing through social media.

My favorite line is:
“Meditation soothes those edges and creates a place of safety from where we can take risks.”

Creativity and wellness message for today: Claim your essential self.

P.S. Should I forego my shower and meditate instead?

Tips for Newbie Blog Writers

I’m frequently asked for advice on blogging. In my programs, speeches, and recently here in the comment section of my blog, budding bloggers want to know what to do. On this Halloween day, the pumpkins are carved, candy is bought, and the costumes are complete. Today is a good day to share some new thoughts on blogging.

1. Take off your mask. Be real in what you write, authenticity is a good thing.
2. Just do it, start a blog, keep it simple, keep it fun. Don’t do it if it’s a chore.
3. Find your niche or specialty. Write from that perspective.
4. Subscribe to other blogs, learn from them. Many times it’s what you don’t like about someone else’s blog that helps you create one that is uniquely yours.

Just like a teenager going through puberty, I write in growth spurts. My rule of thumb is to publish this blog once-a-weekish or when the spirit moves me. When I don’t have anything to say, I don’t.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Risk trying something new, go out there without your mask.

Writing Opens My Heart to the Journey

Morning musings:
I like the place my writing takes me. It’s a drug-like euphoria that literally expands my heart.

I have to gently remind myself that if my essay wins the memoir contest or not, I felt good along the way. The process is worth it. Just like in my recently drafted essay, the ending isn’t where I thought I was going.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Stay in the moment, let your heart’s journey steer you.

Starting Again

Hello everyone, I’m back to writing my creativity and wellness blog, after enjoying a break from it this summer. If you are a regular subscriber to this blog, welcome back! If you are reading it for the first time, I hope you find something you like and visit again. In once-a-weekish short essays I’ll share inspiring quotes, messages, and revelations geared to enrich your thinking and sometimes soothe your soul.

After having a busy summer, filled with deadline-oriented professional responsibilities and a truckload of personal ones, I’m getting my feet planted in this new season. I was reminded over the weekend how easy it is to slip back into old habits, ones that aren’t good for me. My vulnerability is going into an emotional place that I call the wounded victim. It’s that place in which I consider my glass half empty instead of half full. It’s an old familiar place of discomfort and I see that I have more work to do digging myself out of my own pit. Writing this blog entry actually helped me clarify my thoughts and in turn my spirit lifted.

If you find yourself in an old habit that doesn’t serve you, use the metaphor of going back to school as your guide. Start again changing your frame of mind or commit to applying paint brush to canvas, or hands to wet clay. Pick up your unfinished manuscript and start where you left off.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Just like an artist with a sketch pad full of empty pages, let yourself create a new sketch.

I Am the Spark

I’ve been thinking a lot about the creative spark lately. It all started a few weeks ago with social media. Through Facebook I stumbled on The Art Students League. When I was in high school I commuted every Saturday by train and on foot from CT to NYC to attend Figure Drawing classes at the League. I hadn’t actively thought much about it in decades but my recent connection ignited a line of thought.

Over the years I have been an artist, an educator, a graphic designer, a healer, a writer, a speaker and a consultant or you could say I have used my creative thinking and problem solving to express myself and to help pay the mortgage. As an artist my work gives people a glimmer of a different world. As a teacher I fan the flames of my students expressive pursuits as well as teaching them techniques.

When I was a healer clients and students came to metaphorically sit by my fire. My work in personal and spiritual development warmed and comforted them. It helped many go out and be stronger in their lives and encouraged them to pursue new passions.

Now I’m loving being more of a spark. I write about creativity, dreams, meditation and wellness. I also write about literature and writing and reading. Working at a library I infuse the literary, artistic and cultural experiences of my community. When I give presentations my intention is to light the fuse, not give the answer.

There is something profound and freeing about being the spark. I’m happy in my current role. What are you? Are you the fire tender, do you support the artistic work of others? Or are you the fire itself, blazing the trail? I’d love to hear what you have to say.

This brings me back, full circle to The Art Students League. At the League I learned how to be a keen observer and I was taught the importance of mastering a technique. Those two skills have served me throughout my life and the classes there kindled my desire to be a real artist when I grew up.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Consider which aspect of individual expression you support, for yourself or to help others? Is it the spark, the fire tender, are you the wood itself, the air, the match , or the  . . . and let me know.


On this first day of autumn, as leaves begin to turn from green to burgundy, I have the opportunity to revise an essay I wrote. The Spirit of a Woman is an upcoming anthology (to be published June 2010) and my writing is close to being approved for inclusion! I am one of the lucky women from many nations, ages and personal histories, to make it this far.

Years ago, when I was a working and exhibiting fine artist, I loved doing everything myself. It was my way or the highway. Now as a working writer, I welcome a team approach. Editors really are there to help writers. What a priviledge to be working with a team of editors, all of whom are dedicated to the success of the same project, and are helping me make my words the best that they can be.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Consider teamwork. Just like trees need the union of sunshine, nutrients and water, to transform their colors, humans need the same. Being part of a team can bring unexpected new hues to your creative efforts.


Have you ever completed a project and felt a sense of perspective? Well, that happened to me a few minutes ago. I’ve just finished writing a workshop titled “Creativity and Well-being” that I’ll be giving at a social services community center next week. The program is all about my mission that creativity is handling life’s challenges from an enlightened perspective. The program inspires wellness by teaching that we can all experience balanced free-flowing energy on many levels–body, mind, emotions, and spirit. As I was creating the workshop I remembered when I recently experienced an illuminating view of clarity.

A few weeks ago, I was in the throes of a professional metamorphosis, with the same level of stress that, many of you may be feeling right now too. I gave myself permission to trust in the unknown and simply take a step in the right direction, not fully knowing where that step might lead me.  In an instant of pure trust, a union of my mind, body and spirit occurred, like a clear, glacier-fed stream in the Canadian Rockies. Clarity came to me quietly, without judgment and flowing freely. In that crystal transformation my soul had no agenda. Validation wasn’t necessary, pure essence was all there was.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Be open to receive clarity. It can come to you softly, without fanfare or drama. It will simply exist and in the moment you will know you are walking in truth.