In a world of over-achievers I am a flag bearer. Time and time again I am reminded, by a wise voice inside me, to slow down, relax, take it easy. Today I’m in my same boat of feeling overwhelmed. While I love my work and my other responsibilities bring me great joy, I periodically need to take something off my plate for me to re-balance.
After contemplating this for a few weeks, I’ve decided to take a summer break from creating this blog. I’m claiming some So(u)l Space. Thinking of Sol, the ancient sun god, I’m looking forward to some much needed breathing space this summer. I hope you will find ways to enjoy your own times in the sun, and I’ll see you in September!
Creativity and wellness message for today: Sit, close your eyes, exhale and consider what you might take off your list–for today, this week, month, season or year. You can always put it back on later. For now . . . free up some soul space, just for yourself.