With many-petaled dogwood trees blooming pink and white all around me, I took my morning constitutional. I chose a different walking route today, one without sidewalks, but one that would end at a particular beach. As I enjoyed the smells of Spring popping all around me I noticed that the traffic was heavier than I expected on this early morning road. As cars sped by, my reverie was distracted by consistently watching out for my own safety. Realizing that this route wasn’t perfect, I almost turned back several times. Yet, I wanted the prize at the end, I wanted to get to that beach. I persevered, enjoying the sights and sounds whenever the coast was clear, as I ventured forward toward the beach. I was not disappointed. Loons swam silently by. Still as a lake, the water breathed in and out with soft gentle sighs. I exhaled, drinking in Nature’s sweet bounty.
Creativity and wellness message for today: Don’t let imperfection stop you from experiencing your own realm of wellness. Keep your eyes on the prize.