
Have you ever completed a project and felt a sense of perspective? Well, that happened to me a few minutes ago. I’ve just finished writing a workshop titled “Creativity and Well-being” that I’ll be giving at a social services community center next week. The program is all about my mission that creativity is handling life’s challenges from an enlightened perspective. The program inspires wellness by teaching that we can all experience balanced free-flowing energy on many levels–body, mind, emotions, and spirit. As I was creating the workshop I remembered when I recently experienced an illuminating view of clarity.

A few weeks ago, I was in the throes of a professional metamorphosis, with the same level of stress that, many of you may be feeling right now too. I gave myself permission to trust in the unknown and simply take a step in the right direction, not fully knowing where that step might lead me.  In an instant of pure trust, a union of my mind, body and spirit occurred, like a clear, glacier-fed stream in the Canadian Rockies. Clarity came to me quietly, without judgment and flowing freely. In that crystal transformation my soul had no agenda. Validation wasn’t necessary, pure essence was all there was.

Creativity and wellness message for today: Be open to receive clarity. It can come to you softly, without fanfare or drama. It will simply exist and in the moment you will know you are walking in truth.