Additional Testimonials

You have been such a beam of light and I know you have encouraged and heartened many others too.

~ Dr. Catherine Al-Meten, Editor of Voices: A Journal of Women’s Wisdom

On Writing

Your spirit animal essay and website are an inspiration!

~ Video Producer, Chicago, IL

This site* is well done and seems to fulfill its goals. You have a variety of work, and I think you’ve organized it very well on the site. Use of images is great. Inclusion of a get-to-know-you bio and a formal bio for groups you might be working with is smart. Well done.
* First Place Award in the nation, Website and Social Media – Personal Website

~ National Judge in 2023 Professional Communications Contest, National Federation of Press Women

Your first paragraph* is particularly strong in terms of quickly immersing the reader — forgive the wordplay — in the terrifying experience you experience. Very vivid prose.
* Honorable Mention Award, best in the country, Writing – Personal Essay, “Overcoming Fear with Help from the Whales” published in ANIMALS: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals, published by Sacred Stories Publishing

~ National Judge in 2023 Professional Communications Contest, National Federation of Press Women

Your writing is so poetic! Visceral, sensate & mystical.

~ Energy Medicine Healing Training, author appearance

Your work is so beautiful and lovely.

~ Creativity and Wellness blog reader

Enjoyed reading the articles in your blog. Practical and affirming.

~ Fairfield Writer’s Blog reader

Wonderful insights, Adair. And timely for me, thank you.

~ Creativity and Wellness blog subscriber

I feel such joy when I read the encouraging words you’ve written, and find it touches me in the right place at just the right time.

~ Creativity and Wellness blog reader

There are few words to adequately express my gratitude to you for all you’ve done for our writing critique group! You have the wonderful ability to not only keep eager members on task but to inform and enlighten them with something new at every session.

~ Writing Critique Group member

Thanks very much to you and to the members (of the Wednesday Writing Critique Group) for the amazing feedback and support. I hold each of you in the highest regard and am so grateful to know you.

~ Pam Muir, Writer

You are an inspiration Adair. Your messages always speak to me in ways and times I need spoken to.

~ Creativity and Wellness Blog subscriber

You have been a steadying influence. I especially like your written words that bring us together and remind us we are a community.

~ Teacher

So excited to have your wonderful story in our collection.

~ Erin Rodgers, Co-fonder, the Pathfinders Collective

Adair your story is wonderful and a beautiful honoring of the deeper relationship we can have with our animal allies.

~ Sacred Stories Publishing and Media

Thank you for all the molten gold you pour into these occasional blog posts, filling my heart with gladness.

~ Social Worker

On Storytelling

Your story of light warmed my heart and had me swimming in the ocean with you! Powerful, the light and strength you have and share!

~ Mitzy Sky, Artist, Author, Storyteller

I loved your work last night. Your PechaKucha was a work of art, your performance and energy were infectious.

~ Librarian

Your homily was charming and contemplative.

~ Fiber Artist

Adair gave a riveting sermon on a completely different topic last year. Hers is a voice that needs to be heard!

~ Tom Croarkin, Business Development Manager

Thank you for bringing so much to our stage with your heartfelt artful story.

~ Women Tell: Our Stories Through the Decades, Madison, CT

I heard you speak at the storytelling night a while ago and you were very funny and moving!

~ We Rise Storytelling Collective attendee

You have shared your deepest self in your poetic video. You have beautifully recited your life’s complexities as your thoughts and feelings mingle with memorable photos. You are very talented. As a viewer, I am deeply touched.

~ Fairfield County Art Association member after viewing “Art Saved My Life”

Thank you for sharing your journey, creativity, wisdom and wellness with us! It was an inspiring read to remind us to never give up!

~ Storytelling Venue

Such a deep, profound, and loving message.

~ PechaKucha Night Bridgeport, CT

Thank you for your story of transformation and reflection. Your story was captivating.

~ PechaKucha Night Bridgeport, CT, Bijou Theatre

Your true story is captivating and poetic.

~ Bridgeport Art Trail Story Exchange (listener from California)

There is clarity in your story and it has holistic value.

~ Bridgeport Art Trail Story Exchange (listener from Connecticut)

Your story is powerful and important. The emotions came through along with a message of hope.

~ Bridgeport Art Trail Story Exchange (listener from Texas)

There was a universality to your story and your delivery was heartfelt and touched so many.

~ The Unitarian Church of Westport, CT, worship associate

I enjoyed the service yesterday and your sermon in particular. Such a compelling story, such a wonderful message, and so well delivered.

~ The Unitarian Church of Westport, CT, congregant

Awesome job with your story, images, and presentation Adair!!!

~ PechaKucha storytelling in-person attendee

You hit the ball out of the park!

~ We Rise Storytelling Collective attendee

Loved hearing & seeing your incredible life journey in fast-motion!

~ PechaKucha storytelling virtual attendee

I have now watched your storytelling piece 3 times! I really wanted to take it all in. It was so beautiful, honest, inspiring…so you.

~ PechaKucha storytelling viewer

You prove to us that art is everywhere and life is about continuously retooling and reinvention.

~ Via YouTube comment from PechaKucha

Your story of transformation is a beautifully told story.


Your performance was very well received and we enjoyed your work enormously. You have a lovely presence at the mic. The message of your reading resonates. You have essential information.

~ Open Mic Program at Fairfield County Writers’ Studio

Thanks so much Adair for your creative spirit and dedication. Fairfield Public Library and our community thrives with people like you.

~ Karen Ronald, Town Librarian

You were warm, personable, and inspiring.

~ Attendee, Pequot Library

I really enjoyed listening to you last night. You are a fascinating speaker and sharing your big “mistake” really helped all of us learn so much.

~ Deborah Wygal, Darien Library

Your handout is the best I have ever seen, it’s like an executive summary cubed.

~ Program attendee, Darien Library

I enjoy the way you articulate things, expound on esoteric topics. You have a wonderful facility with words.

~ Accountant

Adair’s delivery is succinct and well-developed.

~ Carol Goddard, participant in The Honesty of Nighttime Dreams, Unitarian Church

On Teaching

Your delivery style is very warm and persuasive. You are such a gifted speaker, teacher, and presence.

~ Manager, Carriage Barn Arts Center, New Canaan, CT

Your video for the students is amazing. Thank you again for everything you have done to participate in Arts Count Day. Our students enjoy it!

~ Arts Count Day Coordinator, Bridgeport Public Schools, Bridgeport, CT

This is awesome! You are THE best! We could not have asked for anything more and from the best spokesperson ever! We are so grateful.

~ Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County

Your class is exceptional — thanks so much.

~ Mary Keane

This was a light bulb moment, Adair, thank you so much.

~ Writing Workshop writer

Adair is engaging and knows and loves her stuff.

~ Writer, Pequot Library

You were so professional, and non-threatening yet inspiring — excellent!

~ Participant, Pequot Library

Thank you for a wonderful workshop today. It was a treat. I love your style and sensibility. Just lovely.

~ Teacher & Writer, Pequot Library

Another thank you for the time and thought you have put into our writerly meetings. The time spent with the group has been invaluable and I really appreciate your efforts.

~ Margaret Rumford, author of Sailing Through War and Peace

I always thought being creative had to do with being artistic. In her program Adair showed me that it is a state of mind and an attitude of joy, not a finished product.

~ Attendee, The Comstock Community Center, Wilton, CT

The Fairfield Library’s Writing Critique Group arrived in my life at the perfect time. Adair is a gracious leader, providing valid critiques and genuine praise. In just three sessions, she has helped me transform as a writer.

~ Callie Spencer Hill, Health & Lifestyle Counselor

I wanted to thank you for your informative seminar. You seem to have a way about you that allows others to feel comfortable around you. It’s wonderful to know someone with your creative knowledge. I have learned so much from you.

~ Participant in a program sponsored by The National Society of American Pen Women

Your program on dreams showed us how to seek, receive, investigate, reflect, imagine and trust.

~ Program Sponsor, Fairfield University

Your course was excellent. I loved it and want more. I especially liked your energy, excitement and knowledge of subject matter.

~ Student at Sacred Heart University

I liked the writing itself and doing the exercises was enlightening. Your program was fast-pasted and your explanations useful.

~ Participant in a program at Center for Hope

Thank you so very much for a very life-enhancing experience. Your classes are wonderful.

~ At-home Mom of two toddlers

Adair is really clear and bright and fresh and different. There are not too many like her out there.

~ Workshop Participant

Thank you for a wonderful evening! Your presentation on finding one’s brand was so illuminating. I learned quite a few new ideas. Your warmth and easy-going manner made the experience very non-threatening, especially to a techno-phobe like me.

~ Marti Baker, memoir and essay writer

The indomitable Adair Wilson Heitmann gave a touching introduction to my workshop.

~ Marcela Landres, Editorial Consultant

Adair is a gifted and experienced teacher of holistic practices. She showed us how to use journaling to bring comfort, guidance and inspiration.

~ Director of Education Programs at Greenwich Hospital

Adair is a lovely and engaging workshop leader. She was so knowledgeable about the history of dreamwork and presented so many simple, practical ways to apply this work in one’s daily life. The two hour workshop flew by; it was fascinating and was so rich with useful and inspiring information. I couldn’t wait to start my own dream journal which I expect to be an intriguing and wonderful part of my own spiritual journey.

~ Lynelle, Fairfield, CT

Thank you to Adair Wilson Heitmann for a wonderful discussion about ways we can keep our peace and serenity on our journey of motherhood. We laughed, had a large turnout and at the end we all felt more balanced and relaxed!

~ Susan Lackey, Chapter Leader of Holistic Mom’s Network

Your program was great and well received.

~ Don Wilson, LOGOS World University

Thank you again for your wonderful and powerful spirit last Wednesday. Your presence was simultaneously grounding and inspiring. In a short period of time, you provided the group with a very effective and practical framework within which they could explore the expanse of their personal energy and joy of being!

~ Katherine Silvan, MSW

Your wonderful presentation made me feel safe, like I was being held in loving arms.

~ Susan Santangelo, Founder and Director of the Breast Cancer Survival Center

According to the feedback sheets: Your program was a hit and they want more!

~ Marianne Pysarchyk, Teen Librarian & Tech Services Manager at Pequot Library

Ever since our last meeting, I’ve wanted to tell you how magnificent your facilitating skills are at helping us all navigate the sometimes challenging waters of a writing group. You’ve managed the emotion and personal revelation that have surfaced with enormous skill and sensitivity.

~ Fairfield Public Library On-going Writing Workshop Participant

On Artwork

I’ve collected and admired Adair’s fine art for 30 years. Her art speaks to me of honesty, thoughtfulness, energy, and peace, and at times, a humorous spoof. Adair’s ease with a brush shows so clearly in the floral watercolors – they’re graceful and enigmatic, with just enough there… and just enough NOT there. I look forward to acquiring more from Adair to add to my collection.

~ Patrice Barrett, Art Collector, Painter, Printmaker

These are all really great. I love the texture… your work is very colorful and the pieces set up a nice visual conversation.

~ Jillian Doherty, Gallery Manager, Brookfield Craft Center

Adair is a wonderful fine artist and I have personally purchased original artwork from her that hangs on my walls today. She has a lovely style. I will continue to buy art from Adair in the future!

~ Betsy Stevenson, Revenue Enablement, New Hire Onboarding, Productivity, Growth mindset

I love your painting, how the woman and the swan (?) are looking at each other, how they are nestled, the green hat and green slippers under the starry skirt. The woman’s face is beautiful.

~ Retired Law Firm Administrator

I am hard pressed to think of a more talented and professional individual as Adair Heitmann. She is a woman of high standards and integrity.

~ Christopher La Belle, Principal, Six to Six Interdistrict Magnet School

Difficult to select a “Service Category” for Adair is a knowledgeable pr agent, writer/editor, blogger, IT consultant, web designer, and career coach. Besides a broad and deep command of these areas, Ms. Heitmann can always be relied upon to exceed expectations of quality and deadlines. I endorse her without qualification.

~ Mike Roer, serial entrepreneur, author