
Published Books

The Story Beast: Stepping Stones
Read Adair’s true story, “Nighttime Dreams Become Stepping Stones for Healing,” on page 63 of this online storytelling journal.

Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals
Features Adair’s award-winning story, “Overcoming Fear With Help From the Whales,” on page 133.

Clarity: Stories About the Moment That Changed it All
by The Pathfinders Collective
Features Adair’s story, “A Devoted Chamber of My Heart Opens” on page 26.

Writing for Our Lives anthology
Features Adair’s essay, “Pruning the Body and Soul” on page 37.

Contributing Author

Published Anthologies

  • We Are Here, Orenaug Mountain Publishing Poetry Anthology
  • National Library of Poetry, semi-finalist for “Poem for Peace” which is in the permanent collection of the United Nations
  • Fourth Volume of Connecticut Poets
  • In a Different Light


Connecticut Press Club Honorable Mention for Creative Verse

  • Haiku Your Way to Happiness
    When it’s tough to move
    Haikuing to happiness
    Is the way to go

  • April 17, 2023
    Now I breathe in Spring
    For National Haiku Day
    Poetry is here

  • The Vessel
    The vessel expands
    To hold what is poured within

  • Friendships
    The yin and yang of
    Old friends and new, a balance
    Over a lifetime


Published Articles

Hundreds of articles on literature, creativity, health, meditation, dreams, entrepreneurs, humor, intuition, parenting, spirituality, and marketing including these:

Published Corporate Communications

Websites, social media, newsletters, brochures, marketing and public relations in literary, publishing, health, personal development, creative, training, business, academic, and entrepreneurial environments.

Writing Honors & Awards

  • Storytelling World Resource Award 2024
  • National Federation of Press Women Professional Communications Contest 2023 – First Place and Honorable Mention
  • Connecticut Press Club Professional Contest 2022 – First Place, First Place, Second Place, Third Place
  • Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism Grant
  • Connecticut Library Association Publicity Award, with Pequot Library, two years
  • Harvard Medical School’s Continuing Education Book Proposal Contest
  • Three awards from the American Corporate Identity Association
  • The World’s Who’s Who of Women, Who’s Who in Emerging Leaders of America, Who’s Who in American Women, Who’s Who in Advertising, Who’s Who in American Education
  • Head Over Heels: Women Mean Business Radio, guest speaker on Social Media
  • North American Open Poetry Contest, National Library of Poetry, Semi-finalist, Poem for Peace in permanent United Nations collection