
Welcome to my website: I communicate through literary and visual arts in all forms —  poetry; the spoken word on stage; in front of classrooms of all ages in-person and online; the written word through published essays, nonfiction stories, poetry, and haiku; and by creating and exhibiting my original fine art.


As a spoken-word performing artist I write and tell original personal narrative stories on stage and online. My work delves into intersections of loss and redemption, identity and transformation, and interpersonal relationships. With messages about creativity and resilience, laced with humor and poignancy, audiences tell me how inspired they are by hearing stories from my deepest self expressed in poetic and innovative ways. They tell me I’ve beautifully recited my life’s complexities and how touched they are to hear them. Storytelling engages active listening, communicates ideas, builds trust, plus it generates meaning and community. To learn more about my storytelling, please click here.

Where else but through story, artfully told, could you sit in one place and travel decades and across the globe, artfully and heartfelt. Thank you for your story Adair.

– Denise Page, Equity Coach, Consultant, and Story Artist/Women Tell: Our Stories Through the Decades


Sharing stimulating information to a classroom of students of all ages inspires and expands their ways of thinking, how they see the world, and how to communicate that from their unique points of view. I teach in a non-judgmental and energizing manner that encourages individual expression. To learn more about my teaching, please click here.

Adair is an excellent teacher, engaging speaker, and experienced instructor … Adair really knows her stuff and I would be delighted to have her return to our class!

– Mike Barlow, Award-winning Author, Editor, Ghostwriter, and Educator


Stringing words together, in poems, stories, and prose, propels me deeper into understanding what it means to be human. My writing lives at the convergence of upheaval and healing. Grappling with and untangling true and challenging issues, or expressing profound connection with nature, or the power of redemption after adversity, are all facets of my creative work. My writing is selected for publication in books and in online big tent e-publications. To learn more about my writing, please click here.

Adair your story is wonderful and a beautiful honoring of the deeper relationship we can have with our animal allies.

– Sacred Stories Publishing and Media


With a rich background in the fine arts and as an award-winning, exhibiting artist for decades, I lost 50 years of my work in a silent flood in 2018. After the flood I challenged myself to create solely from materials and supplies that survived the flood or what I create digitally. I’m currently working in printmaking, photography, and mixed media as well as exhibiting decades-old work that survived the flood. It turns out they still have important visual stories to tell! To learn more about my artwork, please click here.

I’ve admired and collected Adair’s fine art for 30 years. Her art speaks to me of honesty, thoughtfulness, energy, and peace, and at times a humorous spoof.

– Patrice Barrett, Painter and Printmaker